View Full Version : Transfer Pump
Father & Son
04-26-2005, 10:53 AM
The local TSC has a 2 cycle,1.2 H.P. Transfer Pump in the recent flyer for $195.19. Seeing what the Tanaka pumps go for I thought this was a good price if it could be used for sap. Any thoughts?
04-26-2005, 01:46 PM
My Homelite 2 cycle has worked fine for the past 5 years. It was $185 out of Harbor Freight. (Now discontinued)
Maple Flats
04-26-2005, 08:02 PM
I have used the TSC pump for the last 2 years and had no problems with it. Starts in 3-4 pulls after pushing primer every time when cold. On first pull when warm. Draws prime every time if housing is full and moves a good amt of sap per minute. It would work good on amts up to about 200 gal, would probably be better with a bigger one for higher amts unless time is not tight. I like it. I think it moves about 1500-1600 gal per hour with 15' of 1 inch hose on in and out lines, would pump more with larger hoses, less with longer hoses.
04-28-2005, 12:53 PM
We need a pump as well. All the sap runs on lines to a storage tank over the ridge and we need to be able to pump the sap uphill around 60 feet ovet the top of the ridge to the sugarhouse. The sugarhouse is well below the storage tank so it should siphon once it gets going. We were wondering what size pump to use to pump around 200 gallons at a time. It would be real nice to use one of the smaller/lighter ones for carrying around to different collection spots. Thanks and good luck.
Washington, VT
04-28-2005, 01:56 PM
Hmm...60 ft of head is quite a bit. If it remember correctly, my pump will max out at about 50 psi.
I believe you need about 5 or 6 psi per 10 ft of head rise. Remember, Pressure (psi) x flow (gpm) divided by 1714 equals Horsepower. Divide by 1500 instead of 1714 to take into account the inefficiency. This will give you a good idea on what a 1.2 HP pump will do.
I pump up about 25 or 30' and my flow rate drops to about 20 GPM using 1" diameter black pipe.
The Tanaka's are probably a little tighter pump, but still I wouldn't expect more than 15 gpm if you are pumping up 60'. Like you said, the siphon will help.
Maybe someone else can speak from more experience here.
04-28-2005, 02:48 PM
You might try looking in the Northern catalog. Several pumps in the 4-5 hp range have heads around 98 feet with the suction lift being 25 feet. Looks like around $400-$500 depending which one.
04-28-2005, 07:57 PM
I have a Tanaka and love it and it is wonderful. I wish you were closer or had a way to try it out and you could see if it would work. Even if it only pumped a few gallon per minute, it would still work. It is very light and small and very easy to carry. :D
04-28-2005, 09:21 PM
You know you have 60' of head to overcome and about 200 gal. to move at a time so you need to determine how much money you want to spend vs. the time it takes to pump the 200 gal. As forester said look in catalogs for the specs to see if it will do what you need. I would say that you also need to look into the future if possible to see if you might expand wishing you had bought a bigger pump.
04-29-2005, 07:14 PM
Might want to look at a 1.5" or a 2" pump also, I would think it would be easier and faster than a 1" pump if you can find one that is light and easily transportable. Northern tools has quite a few pumps and should have specs, at least online. :D
I have a 1 yr old Tanaka for sale...Any interst let me know......
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