View Full Version : the maple trader web site

04-24-2005, 08:41 PM
Hey folks, I've been reading this site for quite some time and have come to realize some of you are using this site for more of a commercial use to buy and sell used equipment and some are even selling new equipment, i.e. refractometors. I think the purpose of the site was to give the common sugarer a chance to sell his/her equipment and to learn a bunch about sugaring and meet some fantastic people. I notice a lot of people also encourage people looking for equipment to seek out Bascoms. How about telling them to seek out the Maple Guys, they sell equiment and they run this site and I'm sure you can get a good deal from them. If your selling new equipment you may want to be a little sensitive of biting the hand that is feeding you. As for the site, I know web sites don't come cheap and maybe when we sell something from this site we should think of sending a donation to help offset the cost of running this site. This is a great site and it is enjoyed by many. Hats off to the Maple Guys

04-24-2005, 10:01 PM
I agree that business should be sent towards Chris & Chris. As far as Bascom's I have refered to them knowing the vast amount of used items they have.New equipment is expensive and most of us are looking for used items because as we grow we need to keep up-sizing. Maybe the Maple Guys can post a list of used items that they have for sale. I know that members have offered new items for sale but they haven't done that in a commercial way. I would hope that if the Webmaster finds a dealer selling items that those post would be removed.

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
04-25-2005, 05:58 AM
I'm guessing that this site is here to help others out-Ya i know i listed new refractometers that i would order for other traders to save at a substancial savings and not make any profit from the sale and Chris deleted a posting.But thats up to him as he pays for the site to stay running. What would you like me to do say i have a used one for sale that has been used once and list it for sale? I'm not a dealer by any means.

04-25-2005, 07:32 AM
Yes, I appreciate this site as well.

I'm sure the Maple Guys have an idea of what they want to do here and how much $$ they are willing to shell out to do it. They make the rules.

If it becomes too expensive, they can either charge a small membership fee or a fee for buying/selling used equipment.

Thanks again...

04-25-2005, 11:22 AM
Folks, glad to see I was able to start a discussion. I was not trying to say anybody was deliberately using it as their comercial site it was more of an awareness. To answer some of the questions, Brookledge Chris does have a web site that has all of what he sells mapleguys.com. and yes Bruce does have a huge collection of used equipment and we should encourage people to take a look. The thing that was getting to me was when the person was looking for a new half pint evaporator. I didn't pay attention to who was posting. Maplehillsugarhouse, I was excited when I saw your posting for the refractometer and was going to order one, but didn't as I don't make that much syrup yet. I don't think you should shy away from trying to help your fellow sugarmakers get a good deal as we all are looking to help each other out and thanks for not trying to make a profit, not sure what it takes to make this thing but maybe you could work it through Chris and let him know your not a dealer. and lastly sweetwoodmaple, I have not a clue what Chris plans to spend and don't care. I know he is not a huge sugar maker and was only thinking about giving him a hand. We're not going to get rich making syrup, at least if your a small guy. I think the site has lots of benifits for both the big guy and the open fire pitter and would hate to loose it. Yes, Chris sets the rules but I think if he charged to use the site there would be a lot less visitors and a lot less good conversation. I'm trying to sell an evaporator and this is a great place to get the exposure. Not looking to upset any apple carts just want to give a 10,000 foot observation from Mt. Crumpit. thanks all

04-25-2005, 03:18 PM
I would have no problem paying for this site . Almost all forums are funded by a multitude of sponsorships usually in the form of banners etc . That is not the case here as the Mapleguys are burdened with the entire cost . It is wise to support their product sales but that does not always make sense as there are many items and brands which they do not carry. Why ship an Algiers when I can buy several excellent brands locally. What I am pointing out is the difficulty in supporting their sales from a remote location such as Wisconsin . I can purchase a few small , more easily shipped items and will do my best .

Yes , a pay for use site will have less traffic but will also have less personal chat and needless comments . Many forums over time begin to decline as a few dominant " eager to help know it alls " infiltrate the threads with needless opinions or comments . Personal chat does not belong on a forum unless it has a potential educational value for others. Fees tend to help prevent this . I am not saying that this is the case here but you can do your own assessment.

Lastly , I think the Mapleguys provide a service to the Maple Industry that is worth me paying for. I have seen no indication that they are considering a charge but I for one expect nothing for free. No matter what their decision I appreciate their efforts .

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
04-25-2005, 04:08 PM
That's right-If your learning something from the information posted your more apt to "Tune in" rather then tune out if there was nothing to be learned at all-as things might go belly up if it was boring on here?.. And you won't see me post an off the wall answer if i don't have the information or knowledge to back it up!
Not sure if i should have posted essentially sterile as i guess sterile is not close enough?.(Still studies have show that a "Essentially sterile" aseptic taphole drilled 1 month early will out produce a taphole drilled at it's normal time by 3%) I may be a little aggressive at times but know that there is a lot of new sugarmakers starting out that tune into here and if the posting is false or holds no water you could have bet that i would have made a statement that i could have backed it up with. Why post an off the wall reply when the ones without much sugaring knowledge would think it's the truth and maybe do something wrong and then start out learning the hard way?
Certainly all have learned something on this website? Some way more then others-A lot by trial and error that's for sure.

04-25-2005, 05:14 PM
I can say that I understand everyones views, I have said before that if the Mapleguys do ask for a membership fee I will be first in line... as many know I do host a web site free for pics also, no charge , but if it got too much of a cost I would ask for a "small" donation, but I don't want to have to do that. if I keep the size down on my site it will stay at the price I am charged which is nominal so I can handle it myself, if I add a bunch more to it they jump me up another $20 per month . so I don't know at what point it gets to be too much $$ for a forum but this being the BEST DARN MAPLE SIGHT PERIOD!! :wink: the Guys would have no problem with membership!! there are many of us diehards that have been here from the begining that would help out :D I do agree on dealers advertising here is a NO NO, but helping out each other once in a while doesn't hurt. :wink:

04-25-2005, 06:40 PM
Hey all,
Just thought I'd pipe in here from the Maple Guys camp....this site was started as an extension of the mapleguys.com website as a way for our potential customers to sell their used equipment as we were not in the position to take equipment on trade (and probably never will be for that matter). What we wanted to avoid above all else was for the site to become a mode of free advertising for new equipment/supply dealers (which is why a few posts concerning volume new equipment/supplies have been pulled).

We love that this site has grown to the extent that it has with fellow sugarers helping out others and feel strongly that we will continue to provide this FREE (in all senses of the word) forum as long as we can. We continue to learn from others' tips/observations/experiences and want you all to be able to also. We monitor for offensive abuse (which is why we had to tighten up the site and make it so users must register to post) and post occasionally, but mostly let you all take it where you want to go.

As for suggesting that patronage is a way to support the site, obviously we welcome the business:-) However, as stated by others, that is not always possible, nor do we want in any way to suggest necessary.

04-25-2005, 07:03 PM
Well put, and We thank you Kim and Chris for your more than generous offering of the forum to all us maplers! :D

Keep up the good work(for the webmaster too! )

04-25-2005, 08:02 PM
Chris and Kim,

Thanks for you dedication to the maple industry and what a joy it is to have met and kinda grown to know such wonderful people. Thanks for the sight and the wonderful comradory it brings to all of us. :D :D

I have offered several times to Chris to help out or for members to provide the support, but he wants to maintain the sight and he has told me more than once if it comes to where he needs help or wants the members to pay for it, he will gladly let us know. Lets just support them when we can and try to advoid any contreversial listings! :D

04-26-2005, 05:23 AM
God Bless FOSTER!!!!

04-26-2005, 08:06 PM
If it wernt for "eger to help know it alls" why would you bother to ask a question? I am the first to admit I do not know what it is I am doing and am very greatful for all the help I can get,,,,some of it works for me and some of it does not,,it is up to me what information I try to implement,,,,to me this is a place where ideas can be refined,,I can learn by everyones combinde experiance,,others past mistakes,,,,I am sure everyone looks at the site differnetly,,,I dont see the point in trashing someone who is trying to help....to me this is a great site where I can "Talk maple",,,somthing I dont get to do with the people I see every day,,,,,thanks Chris and Chris and Kim!!!!! its just maple talk.......

04-27-2005, 12:39 PM
AMEN! :D :wink:

Ed K
04-27-2005, 08:07 PM
I enjoy the M.T. very much. Its the feedback and comments that keeps this site in my Favorites list.