View Full Version : classifieds

12-16-2010, 06:54 PM
how long does it take to upgrade software? i need my classifieds shopping fix

12-17-2010, 11:58 AM
I know the feeling, have it as my homepage so it opens every day just in case there is that special item.


12-29-2010, 02:03 PM
I feel it's too early yet but another option would be to set up a stand alone maple equipment classifieds web site similar to what I've done with www.Sugarbush.Info (http://www.sugarbush.info) for web site links. The advantages would be enhanced features like ebay style auctions, zip code distance search, better attachment handling, and better navigation. The disadvantage (and it's a big one IMO) is that it would not be tied into the MapleTrader user database - user names, profiles, PM, etc. I would really rather see classifieds as part of Maple Trader but if the demand is there it certainly can be addressed.