View Full Version : Thoughts on an '03 Chevy 2500HD?
12-14-2010, 05:32 PM
Anybody have any experience with the 2003 Chevy 2500HD trucks? I'm looking at one and I've been reading stuff online that they've got issues (speedo, lights, steering gear, etc.). Recall numbers effected seem low. Am I worrying too much?
I haven't driven it yet. I will and I'll look it over top to bottom (and under). But have any of you had issues with yours?
Thad Blaisdell
12-14-2010, 05:38 PM
Yep plenty of experience here. I bought mine new in Jan 03. I have 120,000 miles on it and use it everyday. Mine is the extended cab. The only things that I have had done to it are, new muffler new brake pads at 75,000 2 brake lines because they rubbed a piece of plastic, and one power steering hose that was installed incorrectly. I would buy another one in a heartbeat.
It does have a few electrical quirks. some lights on the radio dont work and other gremlins, but nothing that I worry about. Good Luck
12-14-2010, 05:38 PM
we have two 03 2500 hd and 03 3500 hd at work the only prob we have had is factory fuel pumps going bad quick but once new ones put in have not had any other probs in over 100k miles and we tow and haul and work them hard every day
12-14-2010, 05:52 PM
One of my freinds has on 03 2500 HD....He loves his only thing he has a problem with are getting the lights to work on certain trailers. The lights on the trailer work when hooked to a different truck. His truck will work other trailers lights fine. Hes had it to the shop and its been looked over a million times but no answers. Other than the lights it smooth sailing for him.
12-14-2010, 05:58 PM
My 06 2500 hd likes gas, allot! Like everyone else a few "gremlins" (in the heater controlls) nothing major. I did have the transfer case rebuilt but that was my fault for never checking the fluid. Good truck
12-14-2010, 07:15 PM
Ok, thanks guys. That all sounds reasonable. Anybody else?
I forgot to state: ex-cab, 6 liter gas, 4 spd auto, short bed, with low-90k miles.
Thad Blaisdell
12-14-2010, 07:41 PM
My 06 2500 hd likes gas, allot! Like everyone else a few "gremlins" (in the heater controlls) nothing major. I did have the transfer case rebuilt but that was my fault for never checking the fluid. Good truck
First thing to do is put in a K+N air filter! I did not buy the system just the drop in filter. The other thing to do is use super unleaded. Dollar per mile is much better.
red maples
12-14-2010, 08:15 PM
most chevys in the 03 have speed O problems. my dad has a 03 1500 had cluster changed once. has 146k miles on it. I have 03 1500 tahoe 138k miles my second cluster is now bad have to get another one. and my brother has the 03 2500 170K miles on his second cluster. but other that that I think he had a water pump go bad as did I and some other litlle things here and there. driver side front hub or wheel berring s or something replaced and just normal wear and tear. runs great for 170K. I think as far as the steering u-joint I think the problem lies, they figured it out and no more problems. He had a rear u-joint go bad too. but they said it was from towing?? I don't know. over all good tough truck. but like the rest it like gas
12-14-2010, 08:46 PM
I'm not going to comment on this one! You guys are on your own. About like which evaporator is better! Darn, I just commented. Couldn't help it.
A lot of these trucks have a well known problem with the transfer case. A sharp edged steel plate wears itself through the soft magnesium case from the inside out and you lose the 2 quarts of atf in the transfer case and it self destructs.
Google "pump rub" for info and pics. There are a bunch of cheap fix kits on the market now. Many just patch over the hole with JB weld which you should be on the lookout for when you inspect it.
If it has the 8.1 engine they all eventually need a new crank sensor but will come with the bulletproof Allison Tranny which is a big plus.
They are good trucks mine has 290K
12-15-2010, 05:48 AM
WMF - thanks for the heads-up on pump rub. I hadn't heard of that before.
red maples
12-15-2010, 07:31 AM
I'm not going to comment on this one! You guys are on your own. About like which evaporator is better! Darn, I just commented. Couldn't help it.
Although yes the wrong place for this one should be in the sugaring inn. But this site primarily is maple, but it is a good source of info like trucks, tractors, and anything farm, cows, bees, chickens or what ever agriculture welding some electrical but no matter what the topic it all caomes back to maple. maybe he should have said it was for moving sap!!! :)
12-15-2010, 04:28 PM
Although yes the wrong place for this one should be in the sugaring inn. But this site primarily is maple, but it is a good source of info like trucks, tractors, and anything farm, cows, bees, chickens or what ever agriculture welding some electrical but no matter what the topic it all caomes back to maple. maybe he should have said it was for moving sap!!! :)
It'll be for general farm use including sugaring. Sorry if I posted in the wrong forum. Mods - if you need to move this thread, please do.
red maples
12-15-2010, 04:55 PM
oh no no!!! Its fine with me I don't care!!!! please... take no offense!!! ask away!!! we all have input and questions to what ever!!!
12-15-2010, 05:15 PM
oh no no!!! Its fine with me I don't care!!!! please... take no offense!!! ask away!!! we all have input and questions to what ever!!!
None taken. If I ever goof up (and I do!), please tell me.
As for the truck, looks like I've got a bunch of homework to do about "pump rub."
Mountain Winds Farm
12-15-2010, 05:19 PM
I have an '03 GMC 2500HD ,124000 miles ,love the truck. There was a recall on the dash cluster or speed sensor.Mine ,which I bought used wasn't done. After 2 days of ownership as I drove down the road was telling me I was going 120mph. They fixed it no problem, but it was interesting
maple flats
12-15-2010, 05:33 PM
I'd like one!!!, or better yet, 3500.
maple flats
12-15-2010, 05:36 PM
My problem is that I already invested about $15,000 in farming this year and need some sales before I can add much more. Truck has to wait.
12-15-2010, 05:49 PM
There is a fix for this transfer case. A company called Adapt-a-case makes a plate you put inside the rear half of the transfer case after you JB weld the hole shut, and it offsets the pressure to another spot, making you happy that you don't have to spring for a new case half
12-15-2010, 08:08 PM
I have a 1500 with pump rub and a new cluster. Good info here about the pump rub, was not aware of this fix. Thanks guys!
12-15-2010, 10:14 PM
JB weld a hole shut in a transfer case. You kidding? That is what I call a temp fix until you can get it in for a real repair. Anyways My brother has an 03 but Im not sure if its a hd or not. Speedo sensor has been replaced twice but that is really a small thing. He did have alot of brake problems with the rear end. All and I mean all the brake lines rusted out by 05 and had to have them all replaced and warranty would not cover it. He also had a recall after that on the rear braking system after he replaced the faulty disk brake drum setup they have on them. After the recall was done it wasnt too long after that the right rear disk/drum assy broke right in half and smashed itslef into the tire rim and axle assy and locked the rear end up going 65 mph on the highway and sent him in the ditch. He called me and I drove my DODGE out there to help him out of the ditch and after several hours of trying to get the spare out from under the rusted up spare tire carrier under the bed. I jumped back in my truck and was thankful Im not a chevy fan. :D No joke true story. I know the rear windows on it leak really bad and lets wind and rain in also. I think personally think GM makes a great motor it is just too bad it is surrounded by junk. Oh forgot he also had the fuse box assembly under the hood melt down and it caused alot of weird problems until it went up in smoke.
red maples
12-16-2010, 06:07 AM
I had trouble with the rear brakes in my tahoe. For the rear disk brakes they used crappy rotors that rusted out and wore out very fast. I had mine redone at oh I forget the name of the place and he showed me the rotors there were litterally chunks missing from the rotors.
12-16-2010, 06:22 AM
This pump rub issue has me a bit scared to buy any '01 to '07 GM truck. I'm a GM guy, but not knowing when the t-case is going to go dry really doesn't impress me. I can't see spending $25,000 or more for a newer truck that's for farm use and will get about 6,000 miles a year. And, I don't have the time and money to get a truck only to have to pull the t-case out for preventative measures. Maybe I should just buy a horse.
Thanks to all of you for your input.
12-16-2010, 07:55 AM
I guess you could look at it a couple ways. 6000 miles a year on a new truck would last you a long long time. But I would have to agree with you its alot of beans. I put 60,000 a year on my truck and have for many years. I will give you a little of my vehicle history. First truck I bought for my business was a Chevy by the time I had 127,000 on it I put in a tranny, new rear end upper and lower ball joints twice, 3 sets of front wheel bearings. Didnt learn my lesson 2nd truck another chevy. Did squeek out 187,000 on that one but again new tranny, 3 upper and lower ball joints, 1 set of front wheel bearings and 4 fuel sending units and 2 rear pinion seals and bearings. 3rd vehicle was a Durango. put 317,000 miles on that and would still be driving it if it wasnt for an accident. Had to replace the solenoids in the tranny once $125 bucks, 1 set of front wheel bearings, upper ball joints, a water pump and other than general wear and tear nothing else. 4th vehicle I currently have 125,000 on is a Ram truck other than basic wear items, brakes etc I have only had to replace a serpentine belt tensioner and a wiper motor that was my fault for trying to push a foot of frozen snow of the windsheild. Im sticking with MOPAR. The company I worked for before I started mine all ran dodge and I always got around 200,000 on them before the new guy got it and I got a new one. Either I just got a couple of chevy lemons or have been really lucky with dodges but either way Im sticking to what works for me.
12-16-2010, 08:02 AM
being a chevy man all my life and still own my first 1977 k 20. the transfercase issue is not new. i owned a 85 k20 and a 05 2500 both had same issue the seal on the drive shaft weeps. that is where the oil loss is. had both repaired twice. drove the 85 14 years topping off transfer case for seal never worked allways weeped. and was transmission fuild which i think is too light . the 77 uses 10-30 never had an issue other than changing the oil. traded the 05 for a 09 3500 duromax with allison trans. watching to see what happens. hauled alot of sap with each truck. ran a 550 gal on the 20,s and now a 1000 gal on the 3500
12-23-2010, 07:23 PM
exhaust manifolds are also a problem on these trucks. the one i plowed with went through 2 replacements in 5 years, although it was a 2001, not a 2003. brakes all around wear quickly. lucky to get 20K out of the rotors, pads, etc. most lines have been replaced.
still, i liked the truck, and it was a great plow truck. only electrical issue i remember was the starter having a rust issue.
12-23-2010, 07:58 PM
Wally - are you active over on Seems like I've seen that avatar pic before.
The '03 didn't pan out. Looking at an '05. We'll see...
12-24-2010, 06:43 AM
Wally - are you active over on Seems like I've seen that avatar pic before.
among other places, yup. :lol:
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