View Full Version : De laval 75 cfm's

12-14-2010, 10:52 AM
Does anyone know the cfm's of a delaval #75. I need somthing temporary for a new thousand tap sugarworks. I allready have one with a 2 hp elec. motor but never used it. Not looking to break any inches records but would like to get at least 18-20thanks- dudley

12-14-2010, 01:17 PM
Not sure of the CFM's, but I've been running a 75 on a 2 hp motor on 600 taps the last few years at 18-19" and lose maybe an inch of vacuum between the pump and the last tap with no dry line. System is pretty tight. I have about 4500' of 1" mainline out. When the regulator has froze up, pump has been up to 24". Even at 19", it runs hot. I keep a box fan on it, probably would run cooler with a reclaimer. Good little pump.

Haynes Forest Products
12-14-2010, 03:51 PM
To add to what Danno is saying. Reclaimers will not keep the pump cooler it will only capture a certain % of the oil that gets exhausted out. Now to help cool it recirculate the oil back into the pump.

12-14-2010, 04:16 PM
To add to what Danno is saying. Reclaimers will not keep the pump cooler it will only capture a certain % of the oil that gets exhausted out. Now to help cool it recirculate the oil back into the pump.

To cool the oil somewhat before running it back into the pump, you can run it through a radiator plumbed into the system. This should help some, especially if the radiator has a fan built into it.

12-14-2010, 05:53 PM
I guess 1000 on that little pump will be better than nothing. I was hoping for a liquid ring over there but....... I guess if danno's getting 18-19 with 600 and no dryline i should be ok with a 1 1/4 wet/dry. This system has average 8 taps per branch line and is a 100% new intallation, maybe that will help ?

12-14-2010, 09:09 PM
and no doubt I could have run higher vac with the 75, just thought it would melt down on me. I did hear of another Trader running his Delaval at higher vacuums (low/mid 20's) with a reclaimer providing the pump with cool oil.

Haynes Forest Products
12-14-2010, 10:07 PM
I have a big Massport and run it as high as it can go without a vacuum regulator and cooling is the key. You either cool it with incoming air thru the intake by allowing cool air in thru the regulator or introduce cooler oil.

I also think that because cool gases travel along with the incoming sap in any vacuum system. Having more taps than the recomended amount and shutting the vacuum regulator might be a good alternative than less taps and introducing outside air. Dang now Im thinking about what if all incoming air goes thru a heat exchanger like in a radiator and the pump oil circulates thru the automatic trans cooler in the same system. The cool vacuum air would replace the water in the system...............MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I see a change order

12-15-2010, 11:31 AM
I had great success with 3x transmission coolers, a fan and recirculator pump for the oil in my lab pump, but the entire cylinder is submerged in oil.

A Delaval pulls oil in, but it is not sitting around the cylinder, so I don't think cooling the oil is going to do it all.

I have a Delaval in moth balls that I contemplated setting in a drip tray and letting the oil cascade over the housing using the recirculation pump. Just have to somehow keep it off the shaft and belt or you would have a grand mess!! ;)

Dennis H.
12-15-2010, 01:41 PM
I had an idea to take a rubbermaid container that will hold would hold about 10-15 gals of water then take some copper tubing that will carry oil from the reclaimer to the pump and run it thru the water with a few loops. If the water freezes the better.

The other idea is to use the car radiator on the exhaust of the pump and have a water drip system that would allow water to run down the outside of the core of the radiator, it would help take some heat out of the air and also help condense the oil out of the exhaust.

I do like the idea of running something over the pump also. But I would think water to be a better choice. it would make less of an enviro mess.

Haynes Forest Products
12-15-2010, 04:40 PM
SWM my oil reclaimer and oil flood system does cool my Massport down enough to run full bore, no regulator 24/7. I must run about a pint a minute into the intake and that keeps it under the spit test

12-15-2010, 07:09 PM
Haynes...yes, good call. And, to correct my mistake, my existing pump only has flood on one side of the bore. It sucks in oil and spits it out from the reservoir to do the rest.

I will have to remember that if/when I get my delaval up and running. Just have to make sure I put a good size reclaimer on it.

Haynes Forest Products
12-15-2010, 07:56 PM
SWM dont do like me and get your DeLaval all tricked out and use plastic tubing for the oil lines:mad: They melted and within 3 hrs of the season start I lunched the bearings:cry: Boat Anchor

12-16-2010, 07:52 AM
i have a 75 i have used for years on 1700 taps. this has been a great pump early in the season when temps are cool, snow on ground ect.late feb and early march. great to turn on and off and chase leaks. but as season goes on and run times are 24/7 this pump gets hot.and you loose cfms.oil out the exhast is a big problem. the resevore for oil is under the pump and has a metal oil line feeding the drum.to reclaim oil would work but for the time and work involved and late season problems. a used older sihi l/r would be worth the money. a quick reclaimer would be an old metal 5 gallon syrup pail filled with steel wool inside drill a hole near the bottom of pail screw in a break line fitting and drill hole in resevore of pump or direct feed pump from pail useing metal break line. and add a oil line 'tap' on the air intake side of pump to flood drum and pattles for better seal when hot. the other thing i have done is run a 5/16 line of water over pump to cool on april hot days.have used this pump for 15 seasons and still runs as back up for when water for l/r is froze. also 30wt non detergent oil will take heat better than dairy vac oil

12-16-2010, 07:18 PM
Guys- Last year I used a delaval 75 on around 450 taps. It was real warm here and the pump did get real hot but it still works. What would be the simplist way for me to make somthing up to cool it? I have no electric there. Thanks Theron

12-16-2010, 08:06 PM
Jeff- You answered my question.