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View Full Version : 60 minute Syrup Pan

12-13-2010, 10:31 AM
Most of you likely recall my thread where I built a brake http://www.mapletrader.com/community/showthread.php?t=4532 and my second thread where I used it to make a Flue pan. http://www.mapletrader.com/community/showthread.php?t=6606

In this thread, I'm going to show the steps I took to make a 24x24 syrup pan using the same brake, with a helper.

First the layout and cutting. I started with a 42" square of 22ga stainless, and cut 4 9"x9" squares out of the corners to leave me with a 24" square in the middle and 9" sides.

The first bends are simple bends using the brake as normal, to make the U shape.

12-13-2010, 10:38 AM
Now here's the challenge. How do you bend up the other 2 ends, when you can't clamp the material flat in the brake?

There are box brakes out there that use removable fingers to hold down the material, but they only support 3 or 4" deep boxes, not the depth of sides we need.

So - I built an extender. Sure, it only fits 24" wide boxes, but that doesn't really matter to me, as I can make a longer or shorter one just as fast.

The third picture shows the extender in place on the brake. You'll notice that I have added a reinforcing bar to the bending leaf of the original brake. It was flexing in the middle which resulted in less than crisp corners. It is much improved now. I also had to lengthen the bolts to hold down the angle above the extender - simple enough to do.

12-13-2010, 10:39 AM
Once I had the "brake extender" built, bending the other 2 ends is a snap.

12-13-2010, 10:41 AM
The box ends could not be over bent to end up vertical, due to the bending leaf hitting the sides of the box, but a few clamps and an aluminium shelf bracket made it easy enough to square it up and clamp it ready for welding.

12-13-2010, 10:49 AM
A couple of small tacks to hold the joint together, then TIG welded.

For thin stainless like this, I find it best to use no filler, and to weld hot and fast. I had 1 pinhole in 4 corners which was easy enough to fix.

Last are the dividers. I bent top and bottom and the ends, then drilled holes in the bottom flanges and plug welded them in. I know I don't have a perfect seal on the bottom - May MIG the edge later if it turns out to be a problem.

Total time, 65 minutes from sheet to pan including making up the brake extender.

If I go to do it again, I'll bend the top edges of the pan before I form it to make for a stiffer top edge.

I still need to weld in a couple of fittings for an inlet and an outlet, but other than that, it's ready to use.

12-13-2010, 12:33 PM
Big Eddy,
NICE job on the pictures and write up. I like the extension on the brake to bend the short sides almost 90 degrees. I need to get a TIG!

12-13-2010, 05:41 PM
Big Eddy got more done in one hour than I got - never mind...
Chris, if you want to Tig, Harbor Freight is clearancing Tig torches, if you have a store nearby they are $3. Mate it with a little inverter welder, a gas bottle and a regulator and you'll be tiggin pretty cheap. That's the route I'm going down. Big Eddy's tutorials are fun to read.:)

12-13-2010, 06:25 PM
Big Eddy
Great write-up and pictures. And you couldn't beat the timing. I'll finish welding the last two flues in the flue pan as soon as I get off here. I bent the 2nd half of the flue pan today and have most of the flues welded up. I still have to weld the two halves together and make the sides, it will come together in a day or so. I've been thinking about the syrup pan, and then out pops your thread. Is there anything else you have been thinking about making, just wondering since I'll probably need it also.:D

Thanks for the help.


01-10-2011, 12:12 AM
Big Eddy,
Nice job! I am building my pans as well. Now I can stop scratching my head so much. Your write explains a lot. Good luck this seaon

01-19-2011, 01:16 PM
Thanks Big Eddy - I enjoyed this one like the others. I respect the speed at which you work, we all like to make the most of our time and you do a great job of that.

thx again for posting pics and write-up!

01-19-2011, 02:07 PM
would anyone be interesting in breaking flues for me for my 3 x 7 flue pan? just break the bottom of the pan. I'll weld the sides on, the ends of the flues, and the drain.

Leader wants $9000 for a flue pan. There has to be a less expensive way to get a welded flue pan. IM tired of fixing leaks on my soldered pan