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View Full Version : cold water source for water cooled vacuum pump

12-13-2010, 09:54 AM
I've got a 250 gallon tote I am going to use to supply the pump. I also have a stream about 30' from the pump. Would I be better off:

1. sump pump in creek pumping cold water directly from the stream into the tote (downsides - some sediment, running extension cord and pump down to a frozen creek), or

2. sump pump in creek with continous line with a bunch of coils in the tote (refrigeration effect) and back out to the creek, or

3. sump pump in the tote and run a continous line into the creek and back to the tote (how much 3/4" or 1" line would I need in the creek to cool warm water in the pipe?).

I plan to locate the pump in my heated RO room to prevent freeze ups - any concerns there?

Thad Blaisdell
12-13-2010, 10:03 AM
pump from the creek into the tank. Put a screen filter in the line feeding the vacuum.

Randy Brutkoski
12-13-2010, 12:40 PM
It all depends on how big your pump is. If it is under 3 HP., the 250 gallon tote would be just fine. Any bigger, get to that creek. I have a 7.5 horse water cooled A.F. It takes 190 gallons of water an hour so the water gets hot in a hurry. I use a 100 gallon rubbermaid tub(supplied by Glen Goodrich for free for buying the vac.pump from him), and tied in is also a 325 gallon tank .So the pump pulls the water from the 325 outside and then the discharge water goes into the 100 gallon that is inside the pump house and from there it goes back into the 325. But if the lines are froze in the morning on the outside tank, the pump will pull from the 100 gallon, which is in a heated shed.

12-13-2010, 05:54 PM
My 15 hp Sihi is hooked up to a 100 gallon water tank. I have a copper coil in the stream that I circulate the water through to keep it cool. I use a 1/4 hp pump for the circulation and leave it going until the season is over to keep it from freezing. It keeps the water nice and cool.